Hans-Göran Olofsson
Show Statistics
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  Graph - 3-Set Match. Lost After Trailing 0-1  
  Percent per season for player
  Average percent for player
  Average per season for all players
  3-Set Match. Lost After Trailing 0-1  
 OutturnOutturn %   Avg. %Diff.
Total 17 out of 2180.95% 81.13%+0.18%
SeasonOutturnOutturn % Total %Diff. Avg. %Diff.
1970/1971  17 out of 2180.95% 80.95%0.00% 84.54%+3.59%
  Div 1 17 out of 2180.95% 80.95%0.00% 84.54%+3.59%
   Nedflytt9 out of 1181.82% 80.95%-0.87% 83.33%+1.52%
   Regular Season8 out of 1080.00% 80.95%+0.95% 84.75%+4.75%
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