Hanna Haponova
Show Statistics
Type Of Statistics
  Graph - Matches Lost  
  Percent per season for player
  Average percent for player
  Average per season for all players
  Matches Lost  
 OutturnOutturn %   Avg. %Diff.
Total 4 out of 2218.18% 50.00%+31.82%
SeasonOutturnOutturn % Total %Diff. Avg. %Diff.
2024/2025  0 out of 50.00% 18.18%+18.18% 50.00%+50.00%
  Elite Division damer 0 out of 50.00% 18.18%+18.18% 50.00%+50.00%
   Regular Season0 out of 50.00% 18.18%+18.18% 50.00%+50.00%
SeasonOutturnOutturn % Total %Diff. Avg. %Diff.
2022/2023  4 out of 1723.53% 18.18%-5.35% 50.00%+26.47%
  Elite Division damer 4 out of 1723.53% 18.18%-5.35% 50.00%+26.47%
   Regular Season4 out of 1723.53% 18.18%-5.35% 50.00%+26.47%
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