Åke Sundberg
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  Graph - Matches Won As Away Team  
  Percent per season for player
  Average percent for player
  Average per season for all players
  Matches Won As Away Team  
 OutturnOutturn %   Avg. %Diff.
Total 5 out of 2817.86% 48.03%-30.17%
SeasonOutturnOutturn % Total %Diff. Avg. %Diff.
1973/1974  2 out of 728.57% 17.86%+10.71% 48.70%-20.13%
  Div 1 2 out of 728.57% 17.86%+10.71% 48.70%-20.13%
   Nedflytt1 out of 520.00% 17.86%+2.14% 46.51%-26.51%
   Regular Season1 out of 250.00% 17.86%+32.14% 49.49%+0.51%
SeasonOutturnOutturn % Total %Diff. Avg. %Diff.
1972/1973  3 out of 2114.29% 17.86%-3.57% 51.92%-37.63%
  Div 1 3 out of 2114.29% 17.86%-3.57% 51.92%-37.63%
   Nedflytt0 out of 60.00% 17.86%-17.86% 48.31%-48.31%
   Regular Season3 out of 1520.00% 17.86%+2.14% 53.62%-33.62%
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